Any Two Deltas
A Karst Region
Any Two Hot And Cold Desert
Here, I have proposed the answers for your question in words.
Two Deltas of the world:
The Ganga-Brahmaputra Delta is the world’s largest delta.
The Mississippi Delta is the world’s smallest delta.
A Karst Region:
A karst region is a form of geological area that is formed by the dissolution of layers of soluble bedrocks.
Tsingy de Bemaraha Strict Nature Reserve of Madagascar is one of the most significant Karst regions of the world.
Any Two hot deserts:
Thar and Sahara are the most famous hot deserts of the world.
Any two cold deserts:
Cold deserts can be found in many parts of the world, mostly in Antarctica, Iran and Greenland.
Gobi desert, Ladakh, Namib are the most famous cold deserts of the world.
Any two continental glaciers:
Continental glaciers can be found in Antarctica and Greenland.