Biology, asked by Dhitacerewet4065, 1 year ago

Any two devices in flowering plants which can prevent geitonogamy and autogamy


Answered by Anonymous
Heya !!!

Here's your answer !!!!

The devices that prevent autogamy (self-pollination ) in flowering plants are :

➡Dichogamy : Maturation of male and female reproductive organs at different times by which autogamy is prevented...

▶Protandry : Maturation of male reproductive organ i.e. stamens before the Maturation of female reproductive organ is called Protandry...

Example : Maize ...

▶Protogyny : Maturation of female reproductive organ i.e. carpel before the Maturation of male reproductive organ is called Protogyny...

Example : Banana...

➡Dicliny : Presence of unisexual flowers that prevents self pollination is called Dlicliny...

Example : Cucurbits...

➡Self - sterility or Self - incompatibility : Inability of pollen grains to germinate on the stigma of it's own flower is called Self sterility...

Example : Abutilon ...

Hope this helps you :)

please mark as brainliest
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