any two measures to safe from drug addiction
1. Understand Why People Use Drugs and Alcohol
Using addictive drugs (illicit or prescribed) for recreational purposes.
Abusing an addictive prescription medication.
Seeking out intoxication every time you use.
Genetics & Family History
2. Understand the Difference Between Drug Abuse and Drug Addiction
Alcohol and drug abuse and alcohol and drug addiction are defined differently. A person who uses heavily and then can abruptly stop is considered to be abusing alcohol or drugs. But addiction occurs when the body requires the alcohol or drugs to stop withdrawal symptoms. The line between abuse and addiction is not solidly defined because a person may be abusing alcohol and drugs and experiencing the negative consequences of addiction.
3. Avoid Temptations and Peer Pressure
You may have heard the expression, “You’re only as good as the company you keep,” and in reality, that statement is true. If you have friends or family members who pressure you to use alcohol or drugs, avoid them. Make new friends who practice healthier habits, who do well in school, who are motivated at work and who have goals.
Develop goals and dreams for yourself. Remember, alcohol or drug use can turn to addiction rapidly; no one plans on becoming a drug addict or alcoholic. While in active addiction, the only goal possible is to get drugs or alcohol to feed the addiction. Regardless of whether it is abuse or addiction with drugs or alcohol, both require professional addiction treatment.
drink water as it attacks ur throat
making it dry
it makes u do more drugs