Any two sentences on modhera fair
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Modhera dance festival is termed as ‘Uttarardh’ and the nomenclature bears connection with the sun’s astronomical as well as planetary configurations. The dances are performed at the Sun temple premises in honor of the Sun God. This dance festival follows the Uttarayan festival; a festival that marks the inception of the sun’s journey northward. Next comes the Uttarardh festival that marks the ardh or adha or halfway journey of sun towards north.
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- The Sun Temple of Modhera is a masterpiece of the Golden Age of the Solanki Empire, which hosts the annual Dance Festival and flaunts the glory and splendor
- Dance popularly known as nritya or other art forms like singing, theatres or sculpture artwork in India is an artistic and spiritual form of yoga revealing the spirituality in human habitatits
- dear please mark this answer as a brainliest
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