any two uses of Methane
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hey here is ur answer......
1.methane is used as fuel is also used in manufacture of carbon black.
3. It is used in manufacture of methyl alcohol and many other organic compounds.
note- carbon black is used for making printing ink,shoe polish, gramophone records and rubber tyres etc.
hope dis help
1.methane is used as fuel is also used in manufacture of carbon black.
3. It is used in manufacture of methyl alcohol and many other organic compounds.
note- carbon black is used for making printing ink,shoe polish, gramophone records and rubber tyres etc.
hope dis help
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Hello friends ⏬⏬
Let's understand that how a methane occurs.
⚫ Occurrence
Methane occurs in natural gas to the extend of 87%.
Decomposition of organic matter in the absence of air produces methane.
Methane is present in biogas . Methane is found in coal mines.Methan is found at the surface of marshy places which is why it is called a marsh gas.
On heating a mixture of hydrogen and carbon monoxide gases at 300°C in the presence of nickel methane gas is formed.
What is the physical properties of methane.
⚫ Physical properties
The melting point of methane is approximately -182.5°C
The Boiling point of methane is approximately -161.5°C. It is a colourless gas.
The density of liquid methane is less than the density of water.Methan is soluble in water . Methane is in gaseous state at room temperature.
What is chemical properties of methane
⚫ Chemical properties of methane
Meghan is highly inflammable.It burns by reacting with oxygen to give a bluish flame.In this reaction 213 kcal/mol of heat is given out .Methane burns completely.
Chemical reaction::
CH4 + 2O2 ====>>> CO2 + 2H2O + heat
Methane have all the above properties and we also learned above that how methane occurs by having all these properties let know the uses of methane.
⚫ Uses of methane
1. Methane in the form of natural gas is used in industries such as fabric mills,paper mills,food processing industry,petrol purification.
2.) Being the smallest Hydrocarbon,the proportion of CO2 released in the combustion of methane is small and therefore,it is used as a domestic fuel.
3.) Methane is used for production of organic compounds such as ethanol,methyl chloride,methylene chloride etc.
I hope you understood the uses of methane with how it occurs and you also learned the properties of methane.
Let's understand that how a methane occurs.
⚫ Occurrence
Methane occurs in natural gas to the extend of 87%.
Decomposition of organic matter in the absence of air produces methane.
Methane is present in biogas . Methane is found in coal mines.Methan is found at the surface of marshy places which is why it is called a marsh gas.
On heating a mixture of hydrogen and carbon monoxide gases at 300°C in the presence of nickel methane gas is formed.
What is the physical properties of methane.
⚫ Physical properties
The melting point of methane is approximately -182.5°C
The Boiling point of methane is approximately -161.5°C. It is a colourless gas.
The density of liquid methane is less than the density of water.Methan is soluble in water . Methane is in gaseous state at room temperature.
What is chemical properties of methane
⚫ Chemical properties of methane
Meghan is highly inflammable.It burns by reacting with oxygen to give a bluish flame.In this reaction 213 kcal/mol of heat is given out .Methane burns completely.
Chemical reaction::
CH4 + 2O2 ====>>> CO2 + 2H2O + heat
Methane have all the above properties and we also learned above that how methane occurs by having all these properties let know the uses of methane.
⚫ Uses of methane
1. Methane in the form of natural gas is used in industries such as fabric mills,paper mills,food processing industry,petrol purification.
2.) Being the smallest Hydrocarbon,the proportion of CO2 released in the combustion of methane is small and therefore,it is used as a domestic fuel.
3.) Methane is used for production of organic compounds such as ethanol,methyl chloride,methylene chloride etc.
I hope you understood the uses of methane with how it occurs and you also learned the properties of methane.
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