anybody can solve it

Hey mate here is your answer::
The examples are as::
□ We can easily rolled down a small ball having a little mass from any stable position in comparison of a heavy and maximum mass ball..
□Also,,u can easily enable to stop a toy car from moving in comparison of a heavy vehicle..
Due to their more mass these things can able to apply inertia for a much greater time..
Hope it helps..
Stay safe and keep smiling..(^_^)...
for eg :-
1) If a body has mass of 1 kg and another one has 20 kg , then the body having 20 kg mass will have more interia . it is easier to move 1kg of object by pushing it ( because it has small interia )
but it is much more difficult difficult to push 20 kg of object ( because it has large interia )
2) a stone has greater interia than a football . if we kick a stone , it will not move because of its high interia but if we kick a football , it will move a long way ( if u able to ) , thus , a stone resists a change in its state better than a football does , so , a stone has more interia than a football