CBSE BOARD X, asked by alexstar3224, 10 months ago

anyone from class 10 french , please check my order of dialogue, dont spam pls.....

dialogue between pierre and Ricky.........​





a) piene: Que fails to hour te détendre pendant le temps ebre ?

ROcky:. Le matin, je fais du vélo a du jardinage..L'après-moRale, je vais au cinéma ou au restaurant avec ma famille. Et top ?

Plene: Je lis des romans et des bandes dessinées, joue aux sports avec des amis et je fais aussi de la natation.

Ricky C'est Pntevemant !... ton frère ? Que bait-il

Preme:- Lul, PL perd son temps en chattant et en face et du Facebook sur Internet.

Ricky:- Ne t'inquiète pas! C'est son

passe-temps !


a) piene: What fails to hour you relax during the ebre time? ROcky :. In the morning, I cycle and do some gardening. In the afternoon, I go to the cinema or to a restaurant with my family. And top? Plene: I read novels and comics, play sports with friends, and I also swim. Ricky It's Pntevemant! ... your brother? What was he beating Preme: - Lul, PL is wasting his time chatting and face-to-face and Facebook on the Internet. Ricky: - Don't worry! It's his hobby!

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