Physics, asked by alia57, 1 year ago

anyone have notes on neutons low


Answered by varsha303
Physics Notes
Newton’s Laws of Motion
Net force = the combination of all forces acting on an
Balanced forces = produce no change in the motion of
an object.
Unbalanced forces = make objects start to move,
speed up, slow down, or change direction.

In 1687, Isaac Newton published
Philosophiae Naturalis
Principia Mathematica.
In this book he explained the
relationship between force and
His three laws of motion can be
used to explain the movement
of all objects in the universe.
Newton’s First Law of Motion =
An object at rest will stay at rest unless acted on by
an unbalanced force. An object in motion will stay
in motion at the same speed and in the same
direction unless acted on by an unbalanced force.

Inertia = an object’s tendency to resist a change in
All objects have inertia.
The greater the object’s mass, the greater its inertia
and the larger the force needed to overcome inertia.
Newton’s Second Law of Motion =
The acceleration of an object by a force is inversely
proportional to the mass of the object and directly
proportional to the force.
Force (N) = mass (kg) x acceleration (m/s2
F = m a
a= F/m
F = 0.49 N
m = 0.05 kg
Find the
acceleration of
the marble.
F = 68.6 N
m = 7.0 kg
Find the
acceleration of
the bowling ball.
Air resistance and falling objects
The force of gravity if pulling
down on the feather and coin.
The force of air resistance is
pushing up on the feather and
The net force of the feather and
coin is equal to the force of air
resistance subtracted from the
force of gravity.

Falling objects don’t accelerate through their whole
fall. Eventually, the force of air resistance pushing
up against the object equals the force of gravity
pulling down on the object.
When that happens, the net force on the falling object
becomes zero, and so the object stops accelerating.
The final speed is called terminal speed.
*example: raindrops reach terminal speed as they fall.
Newton’s Third Law of Motion =
For every action, there is an equal and opposite

Momentum = depends on the object’s mass and
The more momentum an object has, the harder it is to
stop the object or change its direction.
Momentum = mass x velocity
p = m x v
Kilogram-meters per second, kg·m/s (momentum)
Kilograms, kg (mass)
Meters per second, m/s (velocity)
Law of Conservation of Momentum
States that any time objects collide, the total amount
of momentum stays the same.

varsha303: Sry it's little bit lendy
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