anyone please??? tell me life of lord Buddha
He is God of piece and harmony
Once upon a time, over twenty five centuries ago, Kapilavastu, the capital of the Sakyas was in a festive mood. Mahamaya, the chief queen of King Suddhodana, had a dream in which a magnificent white elephant with a lotus in his trunk appeared and entered her side. The sixty four Brahman soothsayers who were invited to interpret the queen's dream prophesied that she would give birth to an illustrious son who would either be a world conqueror or a world renouncer.
Siddhartha Gautama, who was after enlightenment given the title of 'Buddha', was born a prince into the warrior caste (Shakya clan) in 563 BCE. On the birth of the child, named Siddhartha, the astrologers predicted to his father Suddhodana : "The child, on attaining manhood, will become either a universal monarch (Chakravarti), or abandoning house and home, will assume the role of a monk and become a Buddha, a perfectly enlightened soul, for the salvation of mankind". He was married at the age of 16. At the age of 29 years he left home and started wandering as a beggar and ascetic. After about six years he spent some time in Bodh Gaya. Sitting under the Bo or fig tree (Pipal, Ficus religiosa), meditating, he was tempted by the demon Mara with all the desires of the world. Resisting these temptations, he received enlightenment.