Anyone..... Who knows this application which called as Lucky day...plz reply that it is fake or true.

By scamming people into watching adds and promising prizes. But what you “quickly win” is about 5$... and then it grinds to a near complete stop.
So, after realizing all you’re doing is wasting your time playing super-simplistic repetitive games, you then decide to cash out your money, say 5.25$. But then your realize that you need “at least 10$ in winnings to cash out”. You realize you won only 25 cents in hours and hours of quite boring “playtime”, quickly realize that it will take you weeks or months of “playing” hours per day before reaching 10$, and so you give up. Or you play until you reach say 9,75$ and the suddenly the win ratio magically seems to fall even more, slower and slower. It will indeed take months to reach that 10$ cash out. By that time, you will have watched so many ads, the company will have made at least 50$ of pure profit in ad revenue out of you.
The simple fact that the odds of winning “suddenly drop” show that whatever they tell you about your odds of winning is a big fat lie.
Sure, *a few* people do win. Only the bare minimum enough to keep up the charade.
Also, the makers of this app might answer me here, but unless they tell us exactly what the EXPECTED winnings are, i.e. how much $ you win per hour of “playing” their simplistic scratchers (if you can call those things “games”), then it’s just so much more trying to hide the truth and false promises. If they showed how much they gain from you watching an adds by playing for say 1 hour, and how much they actually PAY OUT, in actual cash, not in “winnings that we probably will never pay out anyway”, divided by the hours of play, you’d see easily that they “percentage payback” is probably so small that you’d laugh.
Many have also reported that, as you get nearer and nearer the 10$ “you can cash it out” limit, that the odds of winning tend to drop even more. So, again,. whatever odds they tell you, they aren’t true, because those odds can’t be “straight” like they show, but actually depend on the amount already in your “bank”.
Each and every one of these types of apps work exactly the same way. Lottery Laws, which stipulate that the exact odds of winnings should always be clearly shown, and that a 5$ that you can’t cash out is NOT a winning, should apply here.
There are a lot of much better ways to earn a bit of money doing much more interesting stuff for a lot less hours invested.
ur gooooooodddddd naaaaaaaaaaaammeeee plzzzzzzzz