Hindi, asked by GunjanVedi6591, 3 months ago

अपने और अपने माता पिता के बीच मे 20 वाक्य का संवाद


Answered by vikramchoudhary786


Parents are the first caregiver and love their children unconditionally. It’s joyful to see their children grow and develop into a good being. It is very important for parents to have healthy communication with children and navigate their childhood in right direction.


Characteristics of a healthy parent child relationship

You need to be flexible, connected, and open in communication with them. Communication is a two way process and is very effective method to make others understand about you feelings emotion etc. it can be both verbal and nonverbal. It is important for parents to communicate effectively with their children. Open and effective communication benefits the surroundings of family, children will also be much disciplined and will try to enhance their participation. Parenting is more effective when understanding and enjoyable. When the communication is healthy it helps to grow self-esteem and responsibility, when unhealthy leads to diverted minds and undisciplined life. Many things create hindrance in the way you communicate. Never divert from your main topic, yours as well as their importance is very essential, never try to assume things, use languages that support your child, avoid being judgemental towards them and always try to find something good/ positive in their activities.

Children learn through modelling their parents; how they walk, talk communicate, act in different relationships. So it is very important for parents to present a positive model. e.g.:- if a man talks to his mother rudely, then the grandson will also learn it and do the same with his grandparents.

To test how healthy your communication is, ask yourself:

1. Do I feel good about myself?

2. Do my children feel good about themselves?

3. Is our relationship reserved?

How to avoid negative communication

1. Never ignore children’s feeling: - Whenever the child discusses about his feelings, always consider it seriously and listen patiently and try to motivate the child for consultations. If he loses a match or is undergoing breakup in relationship, try to explain them about life. Children always want support from parents and parent need to show them that they love and care for them. In present times, there is dire need to talk about sex education, parents are required to be attentive about it as well. Never lie to them because they are very good in sensing the lie of their parents. Always try to avoid threating them, as it can lead to restfulness among the children.

2. Motivate them to solve their problems finding algorithms themself: - Many a times, while pampering the child, parents over indulge so much so that they are unable to solve their problems themself. Child may also feel like his life is governed by their parents, they may feel pressurized and inferior in front of others. On the other side, children who take their own decisions always feel self-contented and independent that hence their confidence level is up as well. Never get stick to one thing about the child especially about mistakes and follies. As it will lead to problems. Child should be motivated to start over afresh. When parents constantly talk about bad past it gets very hard for the child to overcome from problems.

3. Criticism: - is one of the biggest problem which comes in all relationships. Never bang upon your children without listening them properly as it might turn as the biggest reason why the child does not want to share his things.


1. Pay proper attention to your child: - When the child needs you, try to be always available for them. During such times, if you are not there, then it may create problem for proper – development of your child. Always be the first to communicate regarding their problems .Try to indulge in every activity the child is interested in.

2. Take initiatives: - Always take initiatives to work with your children as it will enhance your relationship with them. Always try to have conversations one to one. Try to stay cool while talking to your child, even if it’s a difficult situation.

3. If you are stressed up: - If sometimes you are very busy, try to make the child understand the situation and try not be stressful over pity things.

4. Be sorry when it’s your mistake: - feeling sorry and expressing it openly in front of children will help them acquire the habit of realizing their mistakes and being sorry whenever they are wrong.

5. Show interest in what they are saying: - Avoid your work while the child wants to talk about something. Listen to their thought. Never interpret while they are expressing their feelings. Always make them understand what your concerns are regarding them. Always focus on indirect and nonverbal expressions of your child

6. Never argue: - Express your opinion but never force them. Always be calm and understand that children learn from their own view points, own mistakes. Try to motivate them to express their minds. Try to be friends with them

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