Hindi, asked by sejal1217, 1 year ago

apne vidyalay ke pradhanacharya ko arthik sahayata ke liye prathna patra likhiye​


Answered by amarbajpai


Active Games

Throwing and catching balls, hopscotch, imitation games etc. challenge children’s attention, working memory, and self-control.

Conversation And Storytelling

Watching a play together, telling a story, talking about feelings, questioning in-between etc. can develop emotional regulation.

Matching/Sorting Games

Matching/Sorting games teach kids about shape, size and positioning. Puzzles help them develop their brain.

Imaginary Play

Play with child, give directions and allow him/her to direct you. This develops listening and communicative skills. It also teaches them to take directions.

Activities For 3 To 4 Year-Olds2

Story Telling By Child

Encourage the child to make up a story and share it or act it out with others to develop thinking skills. A group story telling can be more interesting as one child will start and every child sitting there will have to contribute one by one. This will challenge their attention, working memory, and imagination.

Quieter Activities

Activities like yoga, matching and sorting will encourage attention control and cognitive flexibility. Matching and sorting requires kids to understand the basic rules of organising based on different rules – colour, shape, etc.

Movement Games

Engage the child in movement games like dancing to a song or a specific rhythm and ask them to synchronize words to action and the music. This will contribute to inhibitory control and working memory.

Activities For 4-To 5-Year-Olds

High-Level Imaginary Play

Ask your child to make rules, plan the play and give roles to everyone. This will encourage the child to plan together, hold these plans in mind, and apply them during the activity.

Counting Games

Ask questions like “How many biscuits do you want?” or “how many veggies are there on the plate”. You can also play Hot and Cold game, only instead of telling them if they are getting closer to the hidden object, you can instruct them to walk 4 steps to the right and so on.

Treasure Hunt

Give your kid basic instructions using terms like behind, under, inside etc and numbers.

Activities For 5-To 6-Year-Olds

Challenging Games

Engage your child in challenging games like obstacle courses and games that encourage complex motions (skipping, balancing, etc.). This will teach them the need to focus attention, monitor and adjust their actions. It also improves their coordination.

Card And Board Games

These games require players to remember and prove to be an exercise for working memory.

Complicated Clapping Rhythms

This improves working memory, inhibition, and cognitive flexibility.

Though activities play an important role in brain development, the role of nutrition can never be ignored3. A healthy diet and a good physical and mental activity will bring the desired results. Along with regular food, giving your child Junior Horlicks# helps them get complete nutrition. It is a health food drink which helps in brain development as it contains DHA and Choline. DHA is an important Omega 3 fatty acid and serves as a major building block in the brain. DHA is difficult to be obtained through a regular diet. Junior Horlicks also has 50% higher Protein* and 23 vital nutrients4 which help in healthy weight and height gain.

Related Tags

Child’s Brain Development, Child’s Cognitive development


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