English, asked by divyarajpurohit0810, 1 year ago

appericiation of the poem nose versus eyes


Answered by rekhavalanju123


The poem is in stanzas of 4 lines each, The 1st and 3rd, and the 2nd and 4th lines rhyme or assonance (a literary device wherein the repetition of the similar/same  sounds occurs  in each line). (Assonance resemblance of sound between syllables of adjacent words, rising specifically from the rhyming of 2 or more stressed vowels) .

The sensory organs in the poem are personified (personification is a poetic device or figure of speech where plants, animals, objects, parts  or even inanimate objects, are given human qualities, resulting in a poem full of description and imagery). In this poem, the nose and eyes  are the parties fighting the cakes and claiming/asserting ownership of the spectacles. The tongue here is the lawyer and the ear is the regarded as the chief baron, that is the judge.

The tongue is credited with the qualities of competent argument and learning. The tongue is also provided with the quality of double speak and shifting loyalties. The ear is spoken of as having good judgement.

The poem has several phrases and words associated with the legal field ‘Your lordship' is how the tongue addresses the ear. ‘Pleaded, decreed,  arguments ‘are some of the words used in the court.

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