Apple ltd issued 10,000 equity shares of Rs 100 each The amount payable is as under Rs 50 on application Rs 30 on allotment Rs 20 on first and final call All the shares were subscribed and money was duly received except Mr Abhijeet. who had 1000 shares failed to pay the allotment .the first and final call is not yet made. Journalize the transaction
Correct option is A)
Equity share capital A/c Dr(400*100) 40,000
To Share forfeiture account (400*75) 30,000
To calls in arrear account (400*25) 10,000
(Being share forfeited)
Bank A/c Dr.(300*80) 24,000
Share Forfeiture A/c Dr 6000
To Share capital A/c 30,000
(Being shares forfeited re-issued)
Shares forfeiture A/c Dr (30,000-6000) 16,500
To Capital Reserve A/c 16,500
(Being balance in share forfeiture account transferred to capital reserve)
30 on allotment Rs 20 on first and final call All the shares were subscribed and money was duly received except Mr Abhijeet. who had 1000 shares failed to pay the allotment .the first and final call is not yet made. Journalize the transaction