Application for sector on change
Reasons for seeking change in sector. : 9. I/We hereby declare that the above statements are true and correct to the best of my/our knowledge and belief.
The Chairman,
Mahindra Crafts and Corporation,
New Delhi, India.
Subject: Application for sector on change
Respected Sir,
With due respect and honour I would like to state a very vital need in front of you. I was appointed by your gracious self for the field work in Sector 1 point number 7777785430. I was just given the task of check and balance but with passing days the additional duties came on me and I got burdened and for that reason I want a help in face of computer operator who can compile reports on the day to day happenings of the field work.
It would be a great help for me if you attach in my office the computer operator required earnestly for the work. Kindly consider my words and foresee my plight and I am sure you will decide in my favour. Thank you.
Yours Truly,
Mr. Kwanzaa Riis
October, 23. 2015