Application for transfer of gas connection from father to son
Abhishek Gupta
New Colony
The Manager
Indane Gas
Date: 12.4.15
Respected Sir
Subject: Transfer of gas connection from father to son
We have a joint family. So we have only one gas connection which is in my father's name.
The details of the gas connection are as follows -
Sri Ramesh Gupta
Consumer Number - 577
As my parents are moving to another city I humbly request you to transfer the gas connection in my name. I shall be very grateful for this favour.
Yours Sincerely
Abhishek Gupta
Abdul Rehman
45 Sarojini Colony
PVR Street
Coimbatore 641026
The Manager
Fuel Gas Agency
Raman Koil Street
Coimbatore 641026
Sub: Transfer of gas connection – Regarding
Ref: Consumer No. 54001
I would like to get my above mentioned consumer number to my son’s name. I have enclosed all documents needed for the same. Do let me know if you need any further details in this regard.
Kindly make arrangements to do the needful as early as possible.
Thanking You
Abdul Rehman