application to principal for arranging a bonfire in school
The Principal,
Anant School of Learning,
New Delhi.
23rd October, 2018
Respected Madam,
Subject: Arranging a bonfire conference in school.
I, Abhishek Gautam, on behalf of the senior classes of our school, want say that the students are very much interested in arranging a bonfire session in the school. Moreover, a event as such will prove to be a great occasion for rounding off a seminar. It can also be a brilliant idea of building team spirit among the scholars. This would help the group of generally disinterested students to express themselves and get involved in multiple discussions.
Therefore, I request you very kindly to permit us for arranging a bonfire within the school premise. I hope you will consider my request.
Thank you.
Yours obediently,
Abhishek Gautam
XII- Science