Application to principal to not attending 3 exams due to family marriage
You need to understand, that you have to follow
specific format, in order to write a good
application letter.
Yes, you have to say things in a short and precise manner, since an application letter comes under
the category of Formal Letter
I am writing the following format for you Hope, it helps every single one of you.
Firstly, on the top left hand side address the
designation of the person.
For example, in the following letter, I am writing a letter to the Principal of the school for two days
So, here the associated designation of the person
will be
Principal, followed by the name of the school
and then the address.
Then after leaving a line, write down the subject,
as mentioned below
While writing a subject, it has to comprise of few
words, in short, just 1 line.
Then, address SIR or Ma’am as per the desired principal of your respective school.