Application to the collector helping to the people who affected from cyclone
A - 17
Gyanpur, Bhadohi
Uttar Pradesh, India
Date: July 20th, 2019
The Collector
Collectorate Office, Gyanpur,
Bhadohi, Uttar Pradesh, India
Subject; Raising for the help of people affected by the cyclone.
Dear sir:
Through this letter, I Alan, a concerned citizen of my society wants to draw your attention towards the bad & unexplainable conditions of the people affected by the cyclone. Recently, a cyclone striked our area & made many of the people to suffer from the inconveniences. Many of the citizens had lost the hope of survival due to no support at all. Although rescue teams had done its job well. There is a great need for food & water facilities. People are hoping for some prompt & protonic motions regarding their favour & raises. Therefore, I request you to please take some instant steps regarding this & let ourselves get out of this tragedy.
Thanking you anticipation.
Yours sincerely,
Alan Joseph