Biology, asked by Andrew8195, 1 year ago

Applications of impact of wild herbivores animals on northern treeline ecotones


Answered by DavidOtunga
The impact of wild herbivores are parlous and to a extent not upto it's mark for the northern treeline ectones to bear of, as, they cause a immense damage to the environment and the treeline vegitations which cause eroding of the soil layer in a small scale (sometimes increases to a higher extent). Herbivores have become a threat leading to mass outbreaks for continously supply of resources. including the constant depletion of seed sources to further plant them. Other animals which include Herbivores cause damage to young trees like Hares, rabbits, etc. making them unable to grow on later stages causing stunted growth of trees. The application of this is simple and clear, it is used for wide damaging of a forest vegitations which have been affected by deficient or non-natural trees not contributing to oxygen production or old trees ready to die, because of this, most of the rodents are useful in forest expansion ahead of the now called treeline.
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