Apply Lechatelier’s principle in getting the maximum yield of sulphur trioxide and their effect on the economics of the process.
I dint understand anything
the proportion of sulphur dioxide to oxygen in the reaction mixture:
Equilibrium: The oxygen in the air is cheap, while the sulphur dioxide is more expensive and also a pollutant. It is therefore important to convert as much of it as possible into sulphur trioxide.
According to Le Chatelier, increasing the concentration of something on the left-hand side of the
equilibrium will shift the equilibrium to the right. Therefore it makes sense to increase the amount
of oxygen above equation proportions.
Rates: There aren't any important rate considerations here.
Economics: You can't increase the proportion of oxygen too much, because that would clutter up
the reactor with molecules that have nothing to react with. You could end up with a better
percentage conversion, but a smaller total amount of sulphur trioxide formed in a given time. The
1 : 1 ratio is the best compromise.