English, asked by shanealishivji, 1 year ago

Appreciation of poem "the road not taken" by "robert frost"
*(point wise not paragraph)*


Answered by PrinceJK786
At heart, this poem is about choice: how one decision can change a person's entire life. The speaker chose one path over another, and that, he says, "has made all the difference."

The fork in the road is symbolic of the choice the speaker has to make about his life. Each path corresponds to a different direction his life may take, so he has to choose carefully.

Answered by iamgautam015
  • 'The road not taken' is a meaningful poem by written by robert frost
  • The poem signifies the dilemma that is to be faced in each and every person's life.
  • The character is portrayed as a normal man with a common brain and thoughts of a common person.
  • He is stuck at a path which is diverted into two unknown ways.this leads him to a state of confusion.but he chooses the one that is less traveled.
  • He concludes saying that his decision has made all change.
  • The poet is telling the readers to take a decision carefully,especially to the fickle minded.we all have to face a situation like this.So we must be very careful as the old proverb says ''Slow and Steady wins the race"......

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