English, asked by teaquestion9115, 1 year ago

appreciation of road not taken


Answered by shivanshusingh97

A critical appreciation is the expression of a personal opinion but one that is supported by the contents of the poem. The use of the word "critical" infers that the elements of the poem need to be addressed because the tone, mood and intention in poetry are often conveyed and reliant upon these elements and the rhyme, rhythm and literary devices found within. Due to the nature of poetry and various interpretations, critical appreciations can often present contrary views...

Answered by Unknown000

In the examination, you need to write this answer in a paragraph but since writing in points helps us to memorize faster, we'll keep this answer in points and at the end, I'll even tell you how to write the same content in a paragraph.


● Deals with difficult situations that man faces in life.

● Talks about the choices we need to make.

● We regret for our decisions but we can't reverse them, once taken.

● Thus, the direction our life takes determines the choice made by us.


The poem, 'The Road Not Taken' by Robert Frost deals with the difficult situations that a man faces in his life. It talks about the choices that one has to make in life and the consequences of such life. Many times we regret the choices made by us but whatever is done once, cannot be reversed. Decisions are like steps, one takes us to the other. Thus, whatever direction our life takes determines the choice made any us.

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