appreciation of the poem if
The poem 'If' by Rudyard Kipling is classical poem packed with rare optimism, motivation, and practical wisdom meant for his son. The poet advises his son to have complete trust in themselves. He advises the readers not to indulge in any self-doubt, lies, hating, and stay humble and moderate
Appreciation Of The Poem : If.
Title- The title of the poem is If. If is a
conjunction denoting condition. The word If
conveys the meaning that a certain thing can
or happen depending on the happening of
another thing. The title of the poem suggests
that the poem is about things that can or will
happen provided that some other conditions
are fulfilled.
Poet- This poem is written by the famous English writer Rudyard Kipling . He was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature in 1907 . His Jungle Book have been the children favourite books all over the world.
Theme/ Central Idea- The central idea of the poem is certain valuable pieces of advice imparted by a father to his son . Several of the lines in the poem begin with the conjunction If .The theme running through the
poem is that if the son fulfils certain conditions, he can be rest assured of certain favourable results. Both the conditions and results have a direct bearing upon the lives of all young.
Rhyme Scheme- The rhyme scheme for the
first stanza is ‘aaaa.’ All the other five stanzas
have the rhyme scheme ‘abab’
Figure of speech – Antithesis
e.g. If you can keep your head when all about
Are losing theirs.....
In ‘antithesis’ striking opposition or contrast of
ideas are placed side by side to derive a
Special feature – One special feature of the
poem is the repetition of the group of words
If you can at the beginning of several lines.
This is a structural figure of speech called
anaphora . The poet uses this figure to drive
home his point very strongly.
Favourite line- My favourite line from the
poem is : “If you can keep your head when all
about you
Are losing theirs.........