Appropriate polite alternative
The gentelman in the black suit is a barber?
Answer :
In the given sentence 'The gentleman in the black suit is a barber,' the appropriate polite alternative for the word 'barber' is 'hair dresser.'
Cambridge English Dictionary defines 'hairdresser' as 'a person who cuts people's hair and puts it into a style, usually working in a special shop, called a hairdresser's.'
Cambridge English Dictionary defines 'barber' as 'a person whose job is cutting hair, esp. of men and boys.'
"In the given sentence 'The gentleman in the black suit is a barber,' the proper amiable option for the word 'barber' is 'hairdresser.'
Cambridge English Dictionary characterizes 'hairdresser' as 'an individual who trims individuals' hair and places it into a style, typically working in an exceptional shop, called a hairdresser's.'
Cambridge English Dictionary characterizes 'barber' as 'an individual whose activity is trimming hair, esp. of men and young men.'"