English, asked by petamanjusree3025, 11 months ago

Aptness of the tittle 'The Proposal'


Answered by fawadisbest91221

The title of the play is 'The proposal' and it is a very apt one because the whole play is about Lomov proposing Natalya. Right from the beginning to the end of the play, the story revolves round a marraige proposal. Lomov comes to Natalya's house to propose to her but even before he does it, they both start fighting. As a result, Lomov becomes sick and leaves. Natalya's father informs her about the intention of Lomov and she starts lamenting over the loss. Lomov is called back and once again an argument ensues before proposing. Hence, we can say that the title is perfect for the play.

Answered by ABCD2056

Anton Chekhov (1860-1904) wrote the play "The Proposal," which is sometimes also called "A Marriage Proposal," in the late 1880s. It is a farce with only one act that is played out in less than half an hour on stage. The play is set in only one location and can be summarized in four parts.

The Father-in-Law

The scene is set in the country house of wealthy landowner Stepan Stepanovitch Chubukov who receives a visit from his neighbor of some time, Ivan Vassiliyitch Lomov. After some polite introductions and conversation, Lomov starts hesitating and is obviously beating around the bush about an issue on his mind. It transpires that he has come to make a marriage proposal to Chubukov's daughter Natalia. After he finally has taken courage and asked, he is enthusiastically accepted by his future father-in-law who calls his daughter, and Lomov's subject of desire, into the room.

The Argument

Natalia enters the room and greets Lomov like an old friend. While she chats about her household chores and invites Lomov to lunch, he tries awkwardly to express his proposal of marriage. However, in his attempt, he makes the mistake of mentioning a piece of land that is obviously situated at the border between the two neighbors' properties. Instead of hearing Lomov out, Natalia starts an argument with her suitor, who, being a hypochondriac, is increasingly plagued by nervous palpitations and other ailments as the argument continues.

Father and Daughter

When Natalia's father hears their argument, he enthusiastically starts participating and finally throws his neighbor out of the house. Alone with Natalia, he is complaining loudly about Lomov, and his dismay that his neighbor dared to make a marriage proposal. As this is the first Natalia hears about Lomov's visit, she is not only taken aback, but becomes hysteric and demands her father to bring back the neighbor to finalize his proposal.


Following Natalia's hysterics, her father rushes out and calls back the neighbor who willingly returns. Lomov again makes an attempt to propose, but in doing so touches the subject of their respective dogs, and immediately is involved in another major argument with Natalia who insists she has the better dog. Lomov, exhausted from the exertion of arguing, faints and must be revived by father and daughter. Finally, Chubukov has enough and insists that his daughter and the neighbor seal the acceptance of the proposal with a kiss. The couple-to-be oblige him, but continue their argument about the dogs immediately after the kiss, while Chubukov calls for champagne.

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