अर्थ लिखिए-
चिन्तनीया हि विपदाम्आदावेव प्रतिक्रियाः ।
न कूपरवननं युक्तं प्रदीप्ते वहिना गृहे ।
अधोलिखितपदयोः सनधिं कृत्वा लिखत-
✩ Verified Answer ✓
Fossil fuels are made from decomposing plants and animals. These fuels are found in the Earth's crust and contain carbon and hydrogen, which can be burned for energy. Coal, oil, and natural gas are examples of fossil fuels. ... This material is heated in order to produce the thick oil that can be used to make gasoline.
There are three types of fossil fuels which can all be used for energy provision; coal, oil and natural gas. Oil is a liquid fossil fuel that is formed from the remains of marine microorganisms deposited on the sea floor. Oil is the most widely used fossil fuel.
\bf\pink{\textsf{Answered By MrAkdu}}Answered By MrAkdu
चिन्तनीया हि विपदां आदावेव प्रतिक्रिया।
न कूपखननं युक्तं प्रदीप्ते वह्निना गृहे॥
meaning ⬇
घर में आग लगने पर कुआ खोदना उचित नहीं होता है,
संकट आने के पहले ही उसके प्रतिकार का इलाज सोचना चाहिए।
चिन्तनीया हि विपदां आदावेव प्रतिक्रिया।
न कूपखननं युक्तं प्रदीप्ते वह्निना गृहे॥
meaning ⬇
घर में आग लगने पर कुआ खोदना उचित नहीं होता है,
संकट आने के पहले ही उसके प्रतिकार का इलाज सोचना चाहिए।
चिन्तनीया हि विपदां आदावेव प्रतिक्रिया।
न कूपखननं युक्तं प्रदीप्ते वह्निना गृहे॥
meaning ⬇