Are alkyl cyanide and alkyl isocyanide isomeric with respect to each other ?Mention their structural difference.
PLZ HELP ME. ......☺☺
Cyanides are derivatives of hydrogen cyanide (HCN). The hydrogen atom of HCN is replaced by an alkyl or
aryl group to give cyanides.
General formula of cyanides is RCN where R is an alkyl or aryl group.
The alkyl group may also be attached to the - CN group through the nitrogen atom, i.e. R – N C.
Cyanides and isocyanides are thus isomeric.
In the common system, cyanides are named as alkyl cyanides. The parent alkane is chosen and the
ending 'e’ replaced by ’yl’ followed by suffix ’cyanide’.
Parent alkane: methane
Common name: Methyl cyanide
They may also be named on the basis of the acid they produce on hydrolysis. The ending ’ic acid’
of the acid is replaced by ’onitrile’.
e.g. CH3CN
Common name: Acetonitrile
According to the IUPAC system, the following rules are followed:
e.g. The suffix ’nitrile’ is introduced after the name of the parent alkane (alkane nitrile).
Any substituent is indicated by the appropriate number (with - CN group at position 1).
Unlike cyanides, isocyanides have only common names.
In the common system, Isocyanides are named as a Alkyl isocyanides. The parent alkane is chosen
and the ending ’e’ replaced by ’yl’ followed by suffix ’isocyanide’.
e.g. CH3NC
Parent alkane: Methane
Common name : Methyl isocyanide
They may also be named as alkyl carbylamines.
e.g. CH3NC
Parent alkane: Methane
Common name: Methyl carbylamine.
Generally, isocyanides are known by common names.