are DSM systems suitable for both LAN and WAN enviroments? give reasons for your answer
In computer science, distributed shared memory (DSM) is a form of memory architecture where physically separated memories can be addressed as one logically shared address space. ... A distributed shared memory system implements the shared-memory model on a physically distributed memory system.
Distributed systems are by now commonplace, yet remain an often difficult area of research. This is partly explained by the many facets of such systems and the inherent difficulty to isolate these facets from each other. In this paper we provide a brief overview of distributed systems: what they are, their general design goals, and some of the most common types.
The pace at which computer systems change was, is, and continues to be overwhelming. From 1945, when the modern computer era began, until about 1985, computers were large and expensive. Moreover, for lack of a way to connect them, these computers operated independently from one another.
Starting in the mid-1980s, however, two advances in technology began to change that situation. The first was the development of powerful microprocessors. Initially, these were 8-bit machines, but soon 16-, 32-, and 64-bit CPUs became common. With multicore CPUs, we now are refacing the challenge of adapting and developing programs to exploit parallelism. In any case, the current generation of machines have the computing power of the mainframes deployed 30 or 40 years ago, but for 1/1000th of the price or less.
The second development was the invention of high-speed computer networks. Local-area networks or LANs allow thousands of machines within a building or campus to be connected in such a way that small amounts of information can be transferred in a few microseconds or so. Larger amounts of data can be moved between machines at rates of billions of bits per second (bps). Wide-area networks or WANs allow hundreds of millions of machines all over the earth to be connected at speeds varying from tens of thousands to hundreds of millions bps, and sometimes even faster.