English, asked by Ganu119, 1 year ago

Are exams necessary essay 4 para


Answered by krittikavarora


Exams are very important. Many students are studying because exams. Through exam, students can know their knowledge. It evaluates student’s skills and enables them to overcome their nerves. It is an efficient way to measure the knowledge. And also helps to measure how much they have learned. Actually it promotes competition among students. It helps in developing one’s personality and confidence. And exams have the major role in providing necessary qualities in life such as hard work, patience, creativeness and leadership. This makes them able to overcome their weakness in order to be successful in life. Therefore exams should be compulsory. It judges us how much we have understood and how much we are capable. It also helps to improve the memory power of a person. It allows the students to convey their understandings. It not only helps to polish the writing skills, but also helps one to improve their analytic skills and expand the outlook they have on the world. Hence an exam should be a tool of improving ones career. It helps us to think for ourselves. Hence these it is necessary to take exams.

Exams teach us lot of things and give training to various things like punctuality, writing skills, timing sense, expressing our thoughts and opinions and so on. Without exam it is very hard to find out the real knowledge of an individual student as well as students will lost their motivation with their studies. With this examination method, students will get fear about their exams and study their lessons properly to increase their knowledge as well as getting highest marks in their class.

Answered by wassupnigga

Students take their studies seriously, when examination are at their door step. They utililse their time for preparation. Examinations help the teachers and the parents in analyzing the amount of labour put in by the students in gaining knowledge.

However, there are certainflawsin the examination system. The system of education in india is based on the pattern set up by the British. The knowledge imparted is restricted to the syllabus. Students are taught according to the prescribed syllabus. Nothing much is taught beyond the syllabus. When student lis unable to grasp a particular subject, he seeks private tuitions or enrolls himself in a coaching institute.

Students tend to learn their subjects by heart, without applying their mind. Thus, cramming enables many students to pass examination. Most students look towards their examinations with anxiety. They, at a very young age, being to feel the tension and stress of examinations.Examination strikes at the self worth and their belief in themselves. prior to the board examinations, the emphasis of all schools is on completing the syllabus without having a though as to whether any student has understood anything or not. As a result, students become helpless and join coaching centers. That is why tuition and coaching industry are flourishing.

Examination is just the first in a series of tests that initiate young ones into a competitive world. But the importance attached to them is unreasonably high. During the examination period and till the result is declared, not only the students but also their parents remain tense. It is regarded nothing less a do or die battle.

Student do not get enough spare time for games and are unable to give wings to their hobbies due to the burden of examination. Failure in the examination arouses a feeling of low self esteem and negative self image in the mind of the students. Today some schools utillise the services of psychologists and counselors to help the students cope up with the pressure of examination.

Leakage of questions papers, copying and cheating in examination halls have become a common affair. Bribery and other corrupt practices also have crept into the examination system.

Examinations give a division { first, second etc.} or a grade {A,B,C,etc} to the student. The prevailing system of education does not help the students to make their career in life or to earn a decent living. The youth who fails to get the desired percentage of marks suffers the most.

In order to overcome the shortcomings present in our educational system, many Education Commissions were set up from time to time to suggest changes in the pattern. Acting on their suggestions, Central Board of Secondary education and other state boards of Secondary Education decided to introduce a separate stream of vocational education. According to educational experts, ongoing evaluation is more effective than board examination. Class x examination have become a part of history. The Central Board of Secondary Education {CBSE} decided to give grades to class x students from 2011. Students may, if they wish ask for an examination to test their skills, but this will be voluntary. Further it has been suggested that class XII examinations be staggered over a two year period. Export feel the need to evaluate a student performance continuously during the whole year. For this purpose periodic tests may be held regularly. This could make the examination system more acceptable and tension free.

The aim of education should be to equip the students for the tough battle of life. It should help to build their character and personality. It should widen their sphere of knowledge and qualify them for employment. The educational system should not only be theoretical and academic but also give practical knowledge.

Students should not be encouraged to learn by role. Projects and terms papers may add sum and substance to student’s knowledge base. When History, Geography and Mathematics are reduced to mere digits on a mark sheet, they cease to inspire or give joy.

help me reach ace by marking me brainliest

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