are Ghost real if you know please answer
I don't think so ghost are real.........
Let's find it out in a scientific way so let's get started
Many of them say that Ghosts can harm you or they are also known as evil souls,or spirit According to people when a soul leaves a body a person may die according to people okay so let's find it in a scientific way now if you are familiar with life processes and if you don't know I would tell you life proccess are basic functions performed by a human being or any other living organism to maintain its life on earth for example respiration, excretion,etc.Now can you find any logic in this soul our body is made up of tissues and cells There is no space left for a soul okay so another fact to prove that there is no soul present in our body is life processes do you think this life processes are performed by a soul and for now let's consider soul is present in our body then why there is a need of organs right our body would have been empty so There is no soul present in our body okay hence proved.Now towards another fact many people have experienced the presence of negativity over them and even few gadgets have been invented to detect the presence of Ghosts okay and you know how those gadgets work they can detect very low volume of sound which is not audible to the ears of human beings and you know the fact that according to Science these sounds can be created by different appliances present in your house because sometimes they create these sounds whose frequency is quite low even less than 2000 Hz which is not audible to human ears but other animals such as dogs ,cats and snakes
can hear this voices and that's the reason sometimes dogs bark on these sounds in a different way and we human beings consider it as a presence of negativity and you know these ghost detecting devices can only make out these things. People say that few houses are haunted by Ghosts and especially huge houses and you know one more fact that these people say Ghost is a energy which we cannot touch but they can touch our body now what logic do find in this . Let's look at law of conservation of energy that
energy can neither be created nor be destroyed
and if we cannot touch that energy than how can it touch us if it is made of hollow imaginary particles would that energy be able to pick up sword to kill people or any harmful weapons or things present in our house no, now you would be thinking that then many of them say that people are killed by Ghosts then my friend you are wrong they are not spirits who have killed the people they are people itself who have killed them or others now let's take the cases throughout the world you know many people have proven The different houses which are haunted by Ghosts do exist now do you know a Ghost have never haunted any forest or some other places but they like to haunt houses which are quite huge now for instance you know if that particular place would get more popular there would be Thousands of visitors visiting such places because you know these things work to attract huge masses of people and to earn Huge amount of money so mystery solved these are people who are haunting this places now I guess you are quite clear with it That ghost do not exist
To know the actual reason read this paragraph which is my point of view with scientific reasons
Hope it helps you