are jhun jhuno kyun bj rhe ho chimkandiyon types of capacitor,,, define it and role in circuit
capacitor define:
the ability of conductor to store an electric charge and electric potential energy is called capacitance of capacitor
types of capacitor :
1)parallel plate capacitors
-it consist of two parallel plates conductors separated by distance having a (k) dielectric constant
-those conductors having negative charge or inner side or at outer side
2)spherical capacitor
-spherical capacitor consist of two concentric sphere having radii (a) and (b)
-the outer surface of inner sphere is positive charged and outer sphere capacitor inner side part having negative charge
-outer surface of inner sphere is earthed
-a medium of permitivity is present in between two spheres
3)cylindrical capacitor
-cylindrical capacitor consist of two co-axial cylinder of radius (a) and (b) respectively outer surface of inner cylinder is positive charged
-inner surface of outer cylinder is negative charged
-outer space of outer cylinder is positive charged or earthed
-medium of the permitivity between two cylinder
role of capacitor in circuit :
it stores the electric energy passing through the conductor or the circuit