Are multiverses real?
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The multiverse is the hypothetical set of finite and infinite possible universes which form a larger construct which our universe is part of.
In the late 1920s Edwin Hubble found Cepheids in the Andromeda galaxy, of which the distances could be deduced, and thus there was evidence that the stars that were thought to reside in this nebula were actually an entire galaxy beyond our own, as were many other sources in the night sky. At that point our universe grew from the Milky Way to billions of other galaxies. In a sense the multiverse is a continuation on that idea—the idea that there is more reality beyond the extent we can see.
Notions of multiverses can be found in a myriad of scientific ideas. Below are some of these scientific ideas on which the multiverse hypotheses are based (each increasingly speculative):
Metric expansion of space — The universe is thought to be governed by cosmic inflation. The universe went through a period of exponential expansion from 10-36 to 10-32 seconds after the Big Bang, called the inflationary period. After this period the universe continued to expand, but at a less rapid rate. However, it’s accelerating in its expansion and will continue to do so. As the universe keeps expanding, the observable universe will keep getting smaller as more objects go beyond the so-called Hubble sphere. This is the sphere of observation—beyond which galaxies recede from the observer faster than light—for a given observer in the universe. As the observable universe is estimated to be 93 billion light-years in diameter, observers who are more than 46.5 billion light-years beyond this diameter will never be able to get any information from our observable universe, nor we from them. For all intents and purposes those island Hubble spheres are separate universes. Even if our universe is infinite, the ergodic hypothesis states that it must must contain Hubble volumes much like our own. This is a level I multiverse.Eternal inflation — In chaotic inflation theory, inflation could be going on forever, called eternal inflation. With different inflationary regions, some regions expand faster than others, and so you get distinct regions of space. As such, so-called pocket universes emerge. This is a level II multiverse.Many-worlds interpretation — Everett’s many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics indicates that every quantum possibility inherent to the quantum wave function becomes a real possibility in some reality. As such, a construct of parallel universes emerges. This is a level III multiverse.Ultimate Ensemble — The mathematical universe hypothesis. This theory posits that all computable mathematical structures must have a reality somewhere. This is a level IV multiverse
In the late 1920s Edwin Hubble found Cepheids in the Andromeda galaxy, of which the distances could be deduced, and thus there was evidence that the stars that were thought to reside in this nebula were actually an entire galaxy beyond our own, as were many other sources in the night sky. At that point our universe grew from the Milky Way to billions of other galaxies. In a sense the multiverse is a continuation on that idea—the idea that there is more reality beyond the extent we can see.
Notions of multiverses can be found in a myriad of scientific ideas. Below are some of these scientific ideas on which the multiverse hypotheses are based (each increasingly speculative):
Metric expansion of space — The universe is thought to be governed by cosmic inflation. The universe went through a period of exponential expansion from 10-36 to 10-32 seconds after the Big Bang, called the inflationary period. After this period the universe continued to expand, but at a less rapid rate. However, it’s accelerating in its expansion and will continue to do so. As the universe keeps expanding, the observable universe will keep getting smaller as more objects go beyond the so-called Hubble sphere. This is the sphere of observation—beyond which galaxies recede from the observer faster than light—for a given observer in the universe. As the observable universe is estimated to be 93 billion light-years in diameter, observers who are more than 46.5 billion light-years beyond this diameter will never be able to get any information from our observable universe, nor we from them. For all intents and purposes those island Hubble spheres are separate universes. Even if our universe is infinite, the ergodic hypothesis states that it must must contain Hubble volumes much like our own. This is a level I multiverse.Eternal inflation — In chaotic inflation theory, inflation could be going on forever, called eternal inflation. With different inflationary regions, some regions expand faster than others, and so you get distinct regions of space. As such, so-called pocket universes emerge. This is a level II multiverse.Many-worlds interpretation — Everett’s many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics indicates that every quantum possibility inherent to the quantum wave function becomes a real possibility in some reality. As such, a construct of parallel universes emerges. This is a level III multiverse.Ultimate Ensemble — The mathematical universe hypothesis. This theory posits that all computable mathematical structures must have a reality somewhere. This is a level IV multiverse
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let me make uh understand what multiverse actually is!!
→ multiverse is the collection of universes .
there is an idea that there is more than one universe hence the collection of universes called multiverse.
before I start I just wanna ask a question !
what was there before big bang?
if ur answer is nothing,
then tell me how big bang occurred and there should be a space in which it occured .
for big bang it needs energy and hence my idea is that big bang occurred in multiverse like other universes.
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