English, asked by tofeeqali7860p3blmr, 1 year ago

are new scientific discoverys are always good for humanity


Answered by abdullahmasood399


Explanation:Albert Einstein once said "genius is making Complex ideas simple, not making simple ideas Complex."

Well every person knows that their brain is filled with thoughts, memories, experiences and different kinds of knowledgeable materials. After blending and processing of these kinds of things leads to the creation of Ideas these ideas.

These ideas can be either simple or Complex. This division of Ideas create a myth in brain of every normal person and the myth is that Complex ideas are generated by successful person for their success and simple ideas are what we process in our day to day life.

Yes it might be true in some cases but in reality the successful person presents The Complex ideas for perform their complex problem in the simplest possible way to get the success that's what the secret is.

You can related to history of numerous discoveries and you will find a common thing in most of the cases that the discoverers solve their complex problem with the weapon of their simple ideas.

Let me show you an example which verifies this theory:-

Aristotle a famous Greek philosopher and scientist of around 300 BC. He notice that the shape of the Moon changes constantly which follows a definite pattern. The change in the shape of the Moon was because of the earth shadow on the Moon which is in a circular pattern and the only shape that creates constantly a circular shadow is a sphere. Hence, the Earth is round.

It shows that you don't have to travel through the whole world or you don't have to go in space to see what is the shape of the earth. You just have to sit in and observe the moon and by just observing it and you can prove that the Earth is spherical. Here the complex method is traveling or going to space while the simplest method is observing the moon. This is actually what scientist do.

Even there is a simple way of understanding a concept in Science that is research the people who discovered that concept. Understand the thinking of those discoverers at the time of their discoveries.

You will also came to know that they are not so different from us. The people that made thes discoveries just had a little bit harder about what they were looking at and they were a little bit more curious and their curiosity change the way people thought the world, and thus it changed the world. They changed the world and so can you.

Thank you.

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