Are there particular enzymes to digest particular food nutrients?
Each of the many different digestive enzymes targets a specific nutrient and splits it up into a form that can eventually be absorbed. The most important digestive enzymes are: Amylase. Maltase.
Yes, there are different enzymes assigned in digesting specific food nutrients.
Enzymes are highly reaction specific proteins.
Yes, there are different enzymes assigned in digesting specific food nutrients.
Enzymes are highly reaction specific proteins and attach only that particular compounds to activate the reaction and break the compounds into simpler molecules.
The major enzymes involved in digestion of different elements are Pepsin, Amylase, Lipase, Protease, Lactase, Maltase, etc
Carbohydrate digestion :
Amylases ( salivary amylase and pancreatic amylase), Maltase, Lactase play a vital role in digestion of carbohydrates. The saccharides are broken into monosaccharides so it can be absorbed easily and energy be produced out of it. A good amount of carbohydrates is broken down in the mouth. Amylase present in the small intestine breaks sugars like lactose into monosaccharides.
Protein digestion :
Pepsin, Protease, Trypsin, Pepsin, etc are the protein digesting enzymes. Pepsin is an enzyme which is present in high quantity in the gastric juices. Trypsin acts on the protein contents in the stomach. It also activates other enzymes such as proteases. It is present in the small intestine, where it converts remaining protein into amino acids. Pepsin is produced in the stomach to convert protein into peptides and amino acids.
Lipid digestion
Lipase is produced by the bile and the small intestine. It breaks fats into fatty acids. When food enters the stomach bile secretes lipase, it breaks up the saturated and unsaturated fats. They also regulate the amount of the fat soluble vitamins, A, D, E and K.