English, asked by Pradeepraj4152, 11 months ago

are we too dependent on our mobilephones and computers if yes how can we reduce


Answered by Anonymous
For those who can remember the days before technology started to take off, it's easy to see the difference in people now that it is commonplace. Perhaps technology caused the change, getting us used to a new set of standards; or perhaps it merely sped up a change that was bound to happen eventually.

The next time you're out and about, take a look around you. You will likely see people using phones while they wait to meet up with friends, probably even while they're with their friends. Neighbours no longer chat in the driveway, and people whip out their phone at every potential awkward moment. Don't want to make eye-contact with that person walking toward you? Pretend to text until they're gone! We are using technology as a way to isolate ourselves from the world around us. Rather than simply sit and wait for the doctor, people poke away at a screen, despite "NO CELL PHONES" signs hanging on the walls. There's nothing wrong with simply sitting and watching what's around you, but how often do you see people doing that these days?

When there is a lull in conversation, we habitually pull out the phone. Even when there isn't a lull in conversation, sometimes you'll see someone rudely start texting instead of listening to what their friend has to say. It's no different than if they had turned around and begun a new conversation with the person next to them while their friend was mid-sentence. We wouldn't tolerate a person walking off mid-conversation, so why do we tolerate our friends texting while we're trying to speak with them?

We've all heard this one: "Stop sitting so close to the TV, you'll hurt your eyes!"

Well, Mom wasn't wrong. And she wasn't wrong when she told you to turn down your headphones, either. Eye strain and hearing loss are very real side effects of some of our toys. Thankfully, such things are easy enough to avoid if you listen to your mother. In today's world, however, it isn't always so simple to step away from technology.

Many people today are tied to a computer for a substantial portion of their day. Research shows that people in such a position are more prone to many health issues, from back pain and headaches to decreased blood flow and may even have a shorter lifespan. Poor posture is to blame for most of these symptoms. It is recommended that people with desk jobs correct their posture, take micro-breaks to stretch out their limbs, and try to get in a brisk walk at lunch if possible.

Think you're out of the woods because you don't have a desk job? If you do a lot of typing on your phone, you're still at risk for something called "Blackberry Thumb". It is a kind of repetitive strain injury caused by excess use of the thumb, and what it means is that the sheath around your tendons has begun to swell and cause pain. Doctors recommend that people who text a lot or send e-mail using their phone should take frequent breaks to give their thumbs a rest.

Studies also show that too much time spent on Facebook and other social networking sites can negatively affect us. Sites like this are perfect for comparing yourself to others, and can be especially bad for those already struggling with self-esteem issues. When your life seems to be going to shambles and everyone on your friends list is posting their happy announcements -- an engagement, a college acceptance letter, a new house -- it's very easy to fall into a negative thinking pattern about your own life. In fact, many people are choosing to abandon Facebook altogether after realizing how much better they feel about themselves when they haven't logged in for a while. It may be a great tool for keeping in touch, sharing news, and organizing events, but it also makes it so easy to compare yourself to others that you might not even realize you're doing it.

how to get rid of addiction

1.) You will be forced to get over this addiction.

2.) If you are a student, you get ample time for studies.

3.) Your grades +knowledge may improve if you concentrate (which i think really matters)

4.) If there is increment in your performance ,you would be pampered like a kid.Your wishes would be fulfilled without you even demanding them.

5.) There is slight chance that your parents can praise you infront of your relatives (which hardly happens in indian families )

6.) this is most important , doing away your phone may make you happy. You will spend more time with friends ,family ,parents which can make you feel better. If would not feel lonely or depressed . Virtual world gives temporary happiness.(i can bet on it)

hope it helps
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