Environmental Sciences, asked by Echo, 1 year ago

Are you concerned about the declining interest of people towards Global Warming?
Make a circular and write about Global Warming and its causes to distribute to your classmates.

Tip:- Make it creative with pictures



Answered by AkashMandal
We know very well that we can live for some time without food, But we cannot live even for a few seconds without air, water . so, air, water are the first two things that we have to live. on the other hand, we all are aware that our environment​ is not what it used to be. it's quality and purity is falling day by day.

How do you feel when you sit in a place where there is a lot of smoke ? you would feel comfortable. You feel difficulty in breathing. Sometimes even tears may come out of your eyes. While on hilly areas and on sea shores the air is comparitively pure and fresh.

Also, if you compared the life of villages and that of cities you feel very well the difference in the quality of air. This is due to the fact that the air in mountains and villages is usually free from pollutants like smoke . The number of vehicles , Industries and people is less in these areas.

our environment is under a Great threat because most of the activities of man practically add to the pollution of the air around us.

Global warming means the rise in the mean global temperature to a level which affects the life- forms on the earth surface, the factors responsible for this warning may be both natural and man-made. Water vapour, carbon - dioxide, Methane , ozone, Nitrous oxide , CFCs and halons are prominent factors responsible for global warming.

Deforestation : Indiscriminate cutting of trees and clearing of forests increase the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and thereby pollutes it.

Industries : Many of the industries like chemical plants, fertilisers, cement manufacturing units emit large amount of smoke and pollutants like oxides of sulphur and Nitrogen, lead particles and CFCS. which pollute the air.

Acid Rain : acid rain can corrode buildings, and statues, especially those made with marbles and stones.

The Taj Mahal at Agra is one of the seven wonders of the world. but the beauty of this monument in white marbles is being threatened by air pollution, experts have warned that the white marble of Taj Mahal has already deveoped patches of discoloration.

About half of the Earth's forest have disappeared because man has been cutting them down without thinking of consequences.

By cutting the forest man is putting his own survival at risk

Reduced dependence on Fossil Fuels and Afforestation are the most important methods of reducing the proportion of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, and arresting global warming.

Global warming has became a major concern for government all over the world. Many countries have reached an agreement to reduce the emission of green house gases.

During the last century, Humans has depleted the natural resources, Conservation of resources is very important . In this context statement of Gandhiji will not be out of reference, " There is enough on this Earth to meet everyone's need but not everyone's Greed.




Anonymous: wow! great ans!!
Vanessa18: Osm!!!
Answered by Anonymous


A Greenhouse is a small house made of glass that is used to grow plants. It traps the Sun's rays and keeps the heat from escaping. It is warm inside. In the same way that the glass traps the heat in a greenhouse, some gases present in the atmosphere such as Carbon dioxide (CO2),Carbon monoxide (CO),Methane and water vapour trap heat from radiating back to the space. The natural greenhouse gases act like a big blanket around the earth,keeping it warm and making life possible without which temperatures would have fallen to sub zero values. This phenomenon of naturally warming up is called “Greenhouse effect”.

But the extent of this natural warming up process have been grossly affected now. Due to various human activities such as burning of fossil fuels, deforestation and industrialization, an excessive amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases has been emitted to the environment. As a result more heat gets trapped. This causes the temperature of the earth to rise,which results in “GLOBAL WARMING”.

Global warming is the recorded increase in the average temperatures of the earth's atmosphere and oceans. Global warming affects the weather patterns on Earth and causes Climatic Change. Climatic Change results in higher sea levels,more rainfall and severe drought and floods.

Causes of Global warming:-

•Increase in population


•Burning of fossil fuels


•Ozone depletion

•Aerosols present in the atmosphere

•Methane and Nitrous oxide emissions from agriculture, Arctic sea beds and factories

•Increase in CO2 concentration, etc

Effects of Global warming:-

•Rise in sea levels

•Extreme weather

•Melting of glaciers



•Heat waves


•Severe precipitation

•Animal extinction

•Health problems

•Disturb of food chain

•Economic collapse

•Decrease in population

•Increase in temperature,etc

Ways to reduce Global warming:-

•Plant trees

•Use 4R principle which includes Reduce,Reuse,Recycle and Recover

•Controlling population

•Reducing waste

•Using natural resources

•Using clean fuel

•Spreading awareness

•Conserving water

•Using energy saving light bulb,etc

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