Argumentative essay on pupils taught by female teachers perform better than those taught by male teachers
The reason people assume that women are better teachers is pretty easy. They assume that teaching is basically a form of nurturing and that nurturing is a woman’s job in life. This assumption is wrong on two counts. First of all, teaching is nothing like parenting or nurturing. It is true that I will often be the only positive adult influence in my students’ lives. However, I am not their parent. I can set limits at school. Any ideas I can give them-any notions they come across as a result of me-are undone the moment they walk through the door to wherever they are staying. I love teaching, and I can’t imagine doing anything else with my life, but my job is to give them knowledge, critical thinking skills, and the ability to discern fact from fiction. I cannot give them a moral base because I have no authority to give consequences outside of school. Secondly, the idea that men cannot be nurturing is harmful to everyone. Men are parents too. If a child sees that only one parent enforces consequences, then that child will be less healthy. If only one parent gets to display love, then the child will be unhealthy. Male teachers are needed. Every teacher has unique talents and can provide a unique perspective. Every parent NEEDS to be a nurturer. Nurturing is not a feminine trait-it’s a human trait.
People may also believe that teaching below the college level is somehow less difficult than higher level teaching or other jobs that require similar levels of education. This is also harmful to everyone. It is because of this assumption that school teachers are in the classroom because they can’t handle the business world or “the field” somehow. The problem is, this is a false assumption. Men and women who work in the field often come into teaching, thinking it will be easier. And then they leave again when they realize that simply telling small humans what they know isn’t enough, and they have specific standards they need to teach, and the job they had before may not be related at all. So, the assumption becomes, men should be “in the field” or “in business” or “in high-level academia” and that K-12 education is where women and men who can’t hack it are relegated.