Argumentative essay on should children under teenage be given pocket money
Yes, they definitely should. Nowadays teenagers are moving to independence and it will help them if they have some practice in managing money.
Giving pocket money teaches teenagers to manage money while they are still young and parents can still guide them. Also, it help teenagers to make choices and to see that sometimes people have to wait and save up some money to get what they really want.Children get into the habit of planned income and expenditure. They also learn about saving & budgeting. For eg: if they want to buy a present for their mother's birthday, they will need to put aside some amount of money every month to collect the commensurate amount and buy the gift.
Giving pocket money to children also makes them feel an important part of the family since they know that they get a part of the family's monthly income. Some parents even believe in their children earning pocket money. What does that mean? It means that parents can often inculcate values/ beliefs/ actions in their children by rewarding them for it in the form of pocket money. In such cases, parents divide the pocket money amount in two parts: One that is given on a timely basis. Second that is earned against some house jobs. For eg: every Sunday, you could start giving a fixed sum of money to your son if he helps his father in cleaning the car. Or if your daughter helps around in dusting the house. This will in a way also inculcate the habit of weekly cleanliness in them since childhood. Similarly, if you strongly wish to inculcate the value of ' helping others' in your children, you could promise them an extra sum of money during summer vacations if they help your maid's child learn the basics of math.
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