Science, asked by ristermmaloki, 1 year ago

Aricle on Global Warming


Answered by tanun
Global Warming is a major problem which our environment faces today terribly. This global warming is caused due to Greenhouse Effect. What is greenhouse effect? It is a condition in which Earth’s heat trapping increases more from the normal levels.Climate change, devastation of the ecosystem, water contamination, melting ice over Arctic and Antarctic regions, negative impacts in the agricultural sector are just the problems caused by global warming.A lot of damages have been done by this phenomenon. As the old adage said, “There is no other place like home and our Earth is our home”, so we have to take significant steps to take care of our home.Policies on global warming are made each day. Are these policies properly implemented each day? The answer is big NO. How many policies are made the effects of global warming are ravaging our planet.For so many of us global warming is a broad-reaching problem. This is making the slide in this way of thinking that they cant do nothing, only the rich who are seated in the seats of the government can only save them from the tortures of global warming. This is wrong. Who you are, whatever you are you can do something for your planet when you think global warming is a problem.“Global Warming is too serious for the world any longer to ignore it’s danger or split into opposing factions on it.”
Answered by SelieVisa


Global Warming

1) Definition:

Global warming is the phenomenon of increasing average air temperatures near the surface of Earth when the radiation of the Sun is trapped in the atmosphere due to presence of pollutants carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, etc.

2) Causes of Global Warming:

(a) Global Warming is the result of burning of fossil fuels like coal especially in power plants, the use of petroleum products in motor vehicles, and methane. These result in a build-up of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and other gases in the atmosphere. Most of the radiation of the Sun are reflected back into space while some are absorbed by the earth. But the pollutants trap the solar radiation in the atmosphere and raised the temperature of the earth which will bring about devastating consequences.

(b) Trees are our precious natural life-saving oxygen cylinders. Trees absorb the harmful Carbon Dioxide and release Oxygen. Deforestation contributes to the decrease in Oxygen level and increase Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere and accelerate Global warming. Out failure to take care of our forests is threatening the very existence of man and wildlife. Commercial logging for the timber industry had taken a heavy toll on our environment. It is reducing the forest cover of the globe rapidly. Population explosion too is putting heavy pressure on our forests because trees are felled to establish settlements for mankind.

(c) Population explosion too is putting heavy pressure on our forests because trees are felled to establish settlements for mankind and human activities like mining of oil and coal, construction of industries and more motor vehicle users.

3) Consequences:

(a) About 75% of the globe is water. With the melting of the polar ice caps due to Global Warming, half of the remaining land, (25%) would vanish under water. The melting of the polar ice caps will increase the water level of the oceans. Coastal areas and island nations will be submerged under water. Bangladesh and the islands of Maldives will be among the first to disappear under water. (b) Our failure to take care of our forests is threatening the very existence of man and wildlife. Commercial logging for the timber industry had taken a heavy toll on our environment.

(c) Increased Carbon dioxide level results in global warming as well as lungs diseases and cancer. With least oxygen in the air we breath, our health will deteriorate and life expectancy will become lower.

(d) Global Warming, increased pollutants, and deforestation will result in unexpected extreme climatic changes. Rainfall will be unpredictable. So cultivation will become rather a matter of luck. There will be a worldwide shortage of food. Sudden unprecedented floods will be followed by droughts.

(e) With the Ozone Layer being depleted, the harmful Ultraviolet (UV) rays will reach the Earth directly and there will be more cases of skin cancer.

#answerwithquality #BAL

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