English, asked by shashikantsgsic, 2 months ago

Arrange the following sentences in a logical order to construct a
coherent paragraph
A Countries with better institutions and more secure property rights,
will invest more in physical and human capital and will use these
factors more efficiently to achieve a greater level of income
B. Yet, it is also plausible that rich economies are better able to afford
good institutions
C. This vien receives some support from Cross-national correlations
between measures of property rights and economic development.
Dit is difficult to determine the causal link between good institutions
and a country's economic performance
E That is, the direction of causality could go the other way​


Answered by renunaresh21


The following questions are from the Sentence Rearrangement Pattern that are very popular in Verbal Ability for CAT. Make sure you go through these CAT Questions from Parajumbles to have an idea on how to solve these! If you would like to take these questions as a Quiz, head on here to take these questions in a test format, absolutely free.

CAT Parajumbles: Good Writing

A. Good writers use more verbs.

B. However, it is hard to write without verbs.

C. The reason is that if unnecessary words are reduced, the verb-percentage goes up as a mathematical necessity.

D. So “use verbs” is not really good advice; writers have to use verbs, and trying to add extra ones would not turn out well.





Correct Answer


CAT Sentence Rearrangement: The French Revolution

A. The French Revolution created a vision for a new moral universe: that sovereignty resides in nations; that a constitution and the rule of law govern politics; that people are equal and enjoy inalienable rights; and that church and state should be separate.

B. The French Revolution invented modern revolution —the idea that humans can transform the world according to a plan—and so has a central place in the study of the social sciences.

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