English, asked by kavitajiya4, 3 months ago

Art and Literature of the highest type cannot flourish in a world where men are increasingly becoming machines and society a rocket. The works of our famous literary men are hard and objective, forceful and penetrating. By submitting to scientific modes of thinking, they help improve our knowledge and sharpen our sensibility. But they fail to provide us with an affirmation of the meaning of life, an enchantment of invisible mystery, which is the sanction of the value. They suffer from a secret sterility, as the seeds of creative life are not deposited in them. There is a fundamental difference between Science and Art. The creative artist deals with the solitary side of human life, where each individual works out his unique vision. In regard to scientific invention, we feel that they could be replaced. That America devised the atom bomb is an accident. Britain, Russia, Germany, or even Japan, could have done it. If Columbus would not have lived, America would still have been discovered. If Vasco-da-Gama had not routed the cape and opened a sea-route to India, someone else would have done it. But if Kalidas had not lived, there would have been no Abhijnan Shakuntalam. Without Shakespeare, there would have been no Hamlet. These geniuses took up themes from earlier literatures and impregnated them with their own intensity, masterpieces of literature and miracles of art are irreplaceable in an absolute sense, for they are the products of a unique union of the universe with the personality of their authors. The union has existed only once, and yet has universal authority. There are institutes for scientific research, but we cannot have institutes for training poets and prophets. For science is a co-operative enterprise, the work of many minds, while art is the work of a solitary genius.
1) Why can't art and literature flourish in the world?
2) What is the fundamental difference between science and art?
3) Complete the following sentences :
i) Vasco-de-Gama routed the cape and
4) Find two proper nouns from the passage
5) Give the synonym of the word 'significant from the passage
6) Identify if the given word ( knowledge) from the passage is countable or uncountable
7) If Vascoda Gama had not routed the cape and opened a sea-route to India, someone else would have done it. ( Underline the pronoun in this sentence and state its kind)
8) The creative artist deals with the solitary side of human life. (Underline the adjective and state its kind) ​


Answered by indiranehanikhildev


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