Art integrated project to be done on A4 size sheets and put them in a folder.
- Cover page must include the project title, class, section, school name and academic
- List of contents (Index) with page numbers should be on second page. (Handwritten)
put them in a folder.
- Cover page must include the project title, class, section, school name and academic
- List of contents (Index) with page numbers should be on second page. (Handwritten)
put them in a folder.
- Cover page must include the project title, class, section, school name and academic
- List of contents (Index) with page numbers should be on second page. (Handwritten)put them in a folder.
- Cover page must include the project title, class, section, school name and academic
- List of contents (Index) with page numbers should be on second page. (Handwritten)put them in a folder.
- Cover page must include the project title, class, section, school name and academic
- List of contents (Index) with page numbers should be on second page. (Handwritten)