artick inabout 100 150 words benefits of physical education and fitness
Being healthy and fit in simple terms means taking good care of the body. We should remember that a healthy mind resides only in a healthy body. Good health of both mind and body helps one maintain the required energy level to achieve success in life. All of us must strive to achieve wholesome health.
Protecting your body from the intake of harmful substances, doing regular exercises, having proper food and sleep are some of the important instances that define a healthy lifestyle. Being fit allows us to perform our activities without being lethargic, restless or tired.
A healthy and fit person is capable of living the life to the fullest, without any major medical or physical issues. Being healthy is not only related to the physical well-being of a person, it also involves the mental stability or the internal peace of a person.
Generally, a healthy diet consists of taking a proper and healthy food which includes eating green and fresh vegetables, fruits, having milk, eggs, minerals, proteins and vitamins essential for a human’s lifestyle. Practicing Yoga including regular exercises in your daily routine also help you maintain your desired fitness, blood sugar and immunity level.
Studies have shown that one who is physically active has higher chances of living longer. Del Sanden writes in his article on Exercise Statistics, "People who engage in physical for 7 hours per week have a 40 percent lower chance of dying early than people who are active for less than 30 minutes a week." This statement is one of the many statements in his article proving the importance of fitness; it has the ability to enhance quality of life. Regular exercise can lower the risk of many diseases, improve the function of the physical body, as well as psychological health.
Fitness by definition is the condition of being physically fit and healthy. It does not necessarily mean gym workouts, it means being active. When one is active, the…show more content…
Another disease that is commonly found in the US, but can be prevented by physical activity is Diabetes. Diabetes is a disease when the body does not produce enough insulin making sugar levels very high. However, when muscles are in action they can take the sugar/glucose from the blood without the help of insulin. The amount of physical activity necessary for prevention is minimum and does not take up much time. "Research suggests that 2 1/2 hours per week of even leisurely physical activity—like brisk walking—is enough to significantly improve glucose tolerance." By going walking instead of sitting by a television screen, one can prevent a disease like diabetes which requires constant medication. Decisions like taking steps instead of elevator can make a huge difference to one's health. Besides for the aforementioned, being active strengthens the body, making it more reliable. Activity works the bones and muscles, making them able to handle more. Bones are living tissue. "Weight-bearing physical activity causes new bone tissue to form, and this makes bones stronger. This kind of physical activity also makes muscles stronger.