article about international mother earth day
Mother Earth Day was established in 2009 by the General Assembly of the United Nations, under Resolution A/RES/63/278. The Resolution was introduced by the plurinational state of Bolivia and was endorsed by 50 member states of the UN. Although it was inaugurated on April 22, 2010, it was first celebrated years earlier in 1970. The name Earth Day was an "obvious and logical" name that coincided with Julian Koenig's birthday, who was a friend to Senator Gaylord Nelson, the founder of Earth Day.
On January 28, 1969, an oil spill off the coast of Santa Barbara, California, killed thousands of marine life. This fuelled up the then-senator Gaylord Nelson to take action. He then founded a ' teach-in' aimed at reducing human-made effects on environment and climate.
He recruited a staff of 84 others, and designated April 22, 1970, as the first teach-in. During the rally, over 20 million people showed up, including activist groups that were already in place. A peaceful demonstration was held to protest against environmental felonies, wildlife extinction, global warming, among others.
After the success of the event, Denis Hayes, the national coordinator, decided to take the teach-in to an international level in 1990 and organized events in more than 100 countries, where 200 million people participated. Currently, the International Mother Earth Day events are held in over 190 countries and attract participation from more than 1 billion people.
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✓Earth day
Earth Day is a name used for two similar global observances. While some people celebrate Earth Day around the time of the March Equinox, others observe the occasion on April 22 each yearThe April 22 Earth Day is usually celebrated with outdoor performances, where individuals or groups perform acts of service to Earth. Typical ways of observing Earth Day include planting trees, picking up roadside trash, conducting various programs for recycling and conservation, and using recyclable containers for snacks and lunches. Some people are encouraged to sign petitions to governments, calling for stronger or immediate action to stop global warming and to reverse environmental destruction. Television stations frequently air programs dealing with environmental issues
The April 22 Earth Day, founded by Senator Gaylord Nelson, was first organized in 1970 to promote ecology and respect for life on the planet as well as to encourage awareness of the growing problems of air, water, and soil pollution: