Article about my school and my teachers and my friend
It depends on you which is your school and your teacher and you best friend.
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My special memories
Some of the special moments where I spend my life is my school and with my teachers and my Really this were the amazing and very precious moments of my life that has changed my life
I miss that life. I hope that those moments come back.
Our naughtiness that troubled the teachers. Really they are remembering part of my life. My friends were my life. We enjoyed much. We played together. If our teacher gave homework we won't do and we all were enjoying that punishment. Its the golden moment which shaped my life when our teachers taught us.
My teachers were my roll model. They helped me in every aspect of life. They were really helpful. They taught in such a unique way that helped us in memorising. They were some friendly teachers and some rude but were really kind from heart.
Our awesome assembly was rememberable moment too. We had all functions there.