Article about science and technology
Science and Technology
Science and technology like fire can either cook man’s food or cook the man himself. Nothing is harmful until it is used with harmful intentions. Similarly science and technology in themselves are not disastrous. It is the ill and inhumane use that make them so. Alfred Nobel, one of the most renowned scientists was criticized so much when he invented dynamite. However, later on when it was used to clear mountains and rocks while making roads across rough, mountainous terrains, his invention was highly praised.
Science and technology have given man innumerable machines, gadgets, and devices such as TV, AC, computers, vehicles, internet, smartphones, etc. These things have made his life so easy and full of comforts. Science and technology have the potential to solve all of man’s problems and challenges provided it is put to right use. But this potential is not being explored. Man is busy misusing science. For example, our planet earth has so much of Uranium, Thorium, Plutonium, etc. that if used optimally, abundant power can be generated for all the people living in all the countries of the planet. The sad thing is man’s focus is on creating deadly nuclear weapons out of these wonderful resources given to him by beneficent Nature.
All the problems pertaining to pollution, environmental degradation, etc. can be solved using science. All the cities of the world can be converted into smart cities using science; all the vehicles that emit toxic gases can be converted into zero emission vehicles using science; all the sewage, garbage, effluents, toxic fumes coming out of chimneys can be turned into non-polluting substances using science. However this is being done only in the most advanced countries of the world.
In the recent terrorist activities conducted in Berlin and Nice, the terrorists killed many innocent people by ramming Lorries into the crowded areas and running people down. Here the attention needs to be paid to the fact is the same Lorries are used in transporting goods over long distances. Lorries were not the cause of the disasters, the men behind were the steering wheels of the Lorries were. Similarly, science is exactly like those Lorries. It is up to man whether he uses it or misuses it.
One of the basic need of Human beings is technology. Today, Humans can't live a life without Mobile phones and computers.
The main reason for this is Upgrade in Technology and science. Today, Science and technology has become very advanced. In last 40 Year's, Earth has totally changed.
If we start to talk about Science and Technology then approximately 10 to 15 days will required for talking about science and technology.
Science and technology is very important in today's life, and because of Science and the help of technology the human culture and the earth is developing as fast as possible.
Nothing is harmful from Science and Technology if we use it in a good purpose. And, if we use the science and technology in the bad purpose, then it can be very harmful to us.
Science and Technology has totally changed the life of human beings from the last 30 years. Because of Science and Technology, today humans are developing very rapidly and because of this, Earth is at this position and well developed.
Millions of technological gadgets are available in today's market. And, this gadgets are machines, electronic things and various kinds of mobile phones and laptops and various kind of system software and computers and various types of games.
Various types of scientific researches are going on science and technological. And, because of which scientist are trying to upgrade our Technology.
Advances in Science Science and Technology has made the humans life very advanced. And, today humans are very happy because of a upgraded Technologies.
If there is a thing of development of a country or development of a city or a development of specific field, then the development needs Technology. Development in Science and technology is very important to our futuristic world.
And because of futuristic Technologies and Science the humans can stay their life properly and because of which there might be not a problem in the future to leave a people on the earth
We can say that technology, science and development are equally proportional to each other. Development of the science and technology depends on the analysis of technologies and scientific fields.
There are so many examples of advancements and development in Science and Technology. Here are some Best examples: Virtual Reality, Metro cities, Upgraded smartphones, Super computer's, Highly Facilitied watches, Faster internet in cities and Tows.
Today, India is also very highly educated and technological country in all over the world. And, the main reason for this is the science and technology development all over the world.
There are so many space agencies and space research companies and organisations in the world who are trying to make our world most technological and more advanced.