English, asked by manjurattan96p72the, 9 months ago

article importance of outdoor games​


Answered by ayushsaxena08

Outdoor games are not for fun only. Yes, you can have tons of fun and enjoy yourself, have the time of your life. However, they go deeper and further than that. They can help you to become healthier, to build bonds, and to improve yourself on every level. Mentally and physically, these are great in anyone’s life.

Mentally, outdoor games get you to strategize, think faster, and come up with solutions. Combined with fresh air, you can significantly improve your memory, intelligence, reasoning, and other mental capabilities. Physically, you get an overall boost. Cardio or strength, you can build muscle and your cardiovascular health. Regularly doing this will help you to live longer.

Beyond all of that, you have the benefits of working with others, getting some sun and fresh air, and doing something that can make you happier. This can lead to a better you overall. As long as you are safe about it, wearing sunscreen and the appropriate gear, there are few downsides to outdoor games, yet so much to gain.

Answered by rayyanmalikazeez

India is a land of 134 crore people, but in the Rio Olympics our sportspersons performed poorly in most of the sporting events. In spite of outdoor games being part of our school education, not much emphasis is laid on practice and proving our calibre in the international sports arena.

Our government should realise the importance of outdoor games if we want to leave a mark in sporting events at international levels. Playing outdoors provides us with fresh air and energy. Besides, cooperation, etc. However, these days, children do not like to play outdoor games. Instead, they stay indoors watching TV, playing video games, browsing the net etc. Many of them are becoming obese due to such habits.

It is high time that both parents and educational institutions take initiatives to inculcate the habit of playing outdoor games. Schools must provide facilities and initiatives so that children are involved in outdoor activities and games. Such initiatives will also discover talented sportspersons, who can then be trained for international competitions.


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