English, asked by srishaa, 6 months ago

article on adam ezra cohen


Answered by ppajitsaria


Hope this will help


Adam Cohen works at the interface of physics, chemistry and biology.  His lab develops new physical tools to study molecules and cells.  The Cohen Lab developed fluorescent voltage-indicating proteins which enable optical mapping of neural activity.  These tools have opened the door to all-optical electrophysiology and to large-scale mapping of brain activity. His lab has also studied fundamental aspects of chiral light-matter interactions, predicting theoretically and then demonstrating experimentally the existence of “superchiral” light.  Cohen holds PhD degrees from Cambridge (UK) in theoretical physics and from Stanford in experimental biophysics.  Technology Review Magazine named him one of the top 35 US technological innovators under the age of 35 and Popular Science named him one of their “Brilliant Ten” top young scientists.  He has received an NIH New Innovator Award and a Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE) from President Obama.

Answered by deepa0711


sorry I didn't know the answer

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