Article on afforestation is the answer to global warming
Afforestation is the Answer to Global Warming
Elon Musk has very wisely commented, “We’re running the most dangerous
experiment in history right now, which is to see how much carbon dioxide the
atmosphere... can handle before there is an environmental catastrophe.”
Global warming has already started affecting the entire world. Climatic changes are noticeable everywhere. Ice is melting worldwide, especially at the Earth’s poles. This includes mountain glaciers, ice sheets covering West Antarctica and Greenland, and Arctic sea ice.
In northern Greenland traditional Inuit culture is already under threat. The sea ice that Inuit use to hunt seals, walruses, and other animals, is not staying as long as it used to. Global warming's impact on sea ice and ocean currents are also altering the distribution of animals. Melting of the huge ice sheet on Greenland will raise the sea-water level by a few feet, leading to submerging of habitable coastal areas and compelling the inhabitants to move farther inside the terrain. This would further have ecological ramifications.
Deforestation and Global Warming are interrelated. Franklin D. Roosevelt rightly said, “A nation that destroys its soils destroys itself. Trees and forests are the lungs of our land, purifying the air and giving fresh strength to our people. ” The present condition of trees and forests in the world, especially developing countries is pathetic and miserable. Trees are the source of life. They are the giving angels. They give man oxygen, rains, wood, fruit, make the world look so beautiful, yet the sinister man kills them! Who will be more inhumane than man himself? Cutting of forests ultimately endangers man’s own existence.
Cutting of these trees has had a negative effect on the environment. It has resulted in an increase in the amount of carbon and other greenhouse gases in the environment. Burning of these forests has resulted in the emission of a large amount of carbon dioxide into the air. Carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases like the oxides of nitrogen and methane trap atmospheric heat, thus increasing the average temperature of the Earth's surface. This increase in the temperature near the Earth's surface and oceans is termed as global warming.
Changed weather conditions, changing agricultural yields, and increase in the
disease vectors are some of the other effects of global warming. Deforestation,
being the primary reason behind global warming, we need to show greater concern
towards the cutting of trees on a large scale. We need to take quick measures
for preventing deforestation of the tropical forests so that we can hope for an
environment that is healthy to live in.
Afforestation is the only panacea to the problems caused by global warming. Afoorestation is the most efficient natural technique to minimize greenhouse effect. Trees will reduce the excess of carbon dioxide by processing it during the photosynthesis. Apart from this, trees will preserve wildlife, beautify and purify the surroundings, minimize soil erosion, stabilize climate, provide forest products for growing human population, construction, and infrastructure.
So, we see how crucial these forests are for evolution and the smooth running of all the life forms on the planet. They are indeed the power-house of evolution. Each one of us must plant at least one tree each, and ensure they grow into full trees. It will be the most positive and constructive step towards environment conservation and ensuring peaceful, healthy, and prosperous life for the coming generations.